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kleinbl00  ·  214 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The New "Over the Top" Secret Plan on How Fascists Could Win in 2024

No, fuck you, too. You don't fucking quibble over specifics, you ignore everything I fucking say so you can find some corner that allows you to be crazy. Here's what I fucking said to you THREE FUCKING YEARS AGO

    You've got some decisions to make, my friend. Because between the way the politics are going and the way the environment is going, you're in Taliban country.

    And I don't see a mechanism by which things get better.

I believe what I say and I say what I mean and you know what? What I've been saying is pretty consistent. I can look back on my wild-eyed bullshit ideas from ten years ago and go "mmmyeah, pretty much" about 98% of the time. So it's not fucking optimism - it's a studied assessment of the situation at hand as I see it and understand it, and I share that.

And 99% of the time it fuckin' whooshes right the fuck over your head because you're too busy trying to find some reason to freak out.

Spiritedness is fine but when you fucking put words into my mouth for fucking jollies it's fucking over.

I'm fucking sick of this shit and I don't fucking deserve it.