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kleinbl00  ·  221 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The New "Over the Top" Secret Plan on How Fascists Could Win in 2024

You're smarter than this.

    we'll simply have another younger and just as demented figurehead of Trumpism in 2028.


A sentiment like this betrays a gawping lack of understanding around fascism, populism and politics. You wouldn't say "we'll just have another Obama" or "we'll just have another Hilary" or "we'll just have an other Reagan" or even "we'll just have another Mitt Romney." WHO. WHO is your household-named Russian tool blowhard running in 2028? Peter Thiel? Surprise! Born in Frankfurt to Germans. Elon Musk? South African. JD Vance? Have you seen that mutherfucker talk. Who's the populist who's gonna rise up instead of Trump in the next four years? Gimme your best bets.

    In my understanding of history,

Your understanding of history fucking sucks because you haven't listened to a word I've said in eight goddamn years.

    there is no shaking it off without some violent, near-cataclysmic reckoning.

It was called "January 6" and they lost. Everything else has been a contentious free-for-all to figure out how the fuck to move on. Nobody's happy, everyone regrets it, nothing is set in stone, things could still swing the other way but every day brings us further and further from the inflection point.

    staying quiet becuase ya don't wanna get death threats from Trump's cult.

Death threats from Trump's cult have proven to be extremely lucrative and clout-building... unless you're Republican. And that's a dynamic that, if you actually listened when asking for historic examples, you'd grasp: a populist who protects his retinue is an iconoclast. A populist who eats his retinue is a despot. Both iconoclasts and despots need to be entirely free of reasonable threats to their power and we fucking voted Trump out of office. That, really, was his mistake and he made it because he's a fucking idiot: don't act like a dictator until you actually are one. Counterpoint? he wouldn't have been elected if he didn't act like a dictator.

The system was incompatible with Trump's goals in 2020 and it has only become less compatible over time. I don't think we have nothing to worry about? But I also find this "and then Mike Johnson just doesn't seat Democrats and we all sit on our hands and go merrily to hell" bullshit extremely tiresome. There are enough problems in the world to worry about without carving doomer fanfic into your gray matter.

The whole way we got here is we were incapable of grasping demagoguery as anything short of Hitler. So when Trump did his demagogic best the Left went "see? HITLER!" without having a fucking clue about Hitler or Trump. It's all right there. Everything you need to grasp WTF is going on. All you have to do is take off the HitlerSpex.