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am_Unition  ·  395 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: OpenAI's Sora

Ahh, of course, the feedback thing. I don't do anything live, so I can just get away with a pretty simple gate and headphones. No chance of loops. Hadn't really thought about how I would suppress feedback loops without killing the channel or at least lowering the volume. But now I completely get it. I got really close to connecting the dots a long time ago when I suggested basically TEF in a convo with you a few years back. My mistake was thinking about mixing. I was thinking about minimizing phase cancellations as a function of frequencies. But duh:

My co-worker would bolt a plasma spectrometer with accelerometers on it to a vibration table with some special isolators between the instrument and mounting baseplate, and we'd shake them with a sine sweep survey starting from like 1 Hz up through, I dunno, 40 kHz or something like that, and a power spectrogram level was input to govern the amplitude around each frequency. JUST like what you're doing with mics? We do it too. We'd already calculated the approximate normal modes of the instrument from 3D CAD models (we used Ansys), and so we notched the input frequency spectral energy around the normal modes so we don't overdrive the thing during vibe testing. And then we shake it with the launch environment, a white-noise spectrum, still modestly notched around the normal mode frequencies (which might have needed slight readjustments from the sine sweep results). By the way, at GSFC, they have like a 10 foot diameter gramophone to just blast shit with. I'd guess it was for Saturn V's, hahah, but I don't know! Didn't get the story. (edit: ohhhhh, I think it might've been for cleaning, especially considering that it was being kept in one of the anterooms bordering a clean room. They must be using the thing to knock any loose particles off of equipment or instruments with sound. We did the same thing with an ultrasonic bath after de-greasing parts with trychloride, before the final isopropyl wipe down. They'd soundblast it after that. Probably a pretty clean room.)

    What you get is uncanny valley nightmare fuel

Which has its uses, heh, though perhaps mostly uncommercializable.

    I also pointed out that if you ask an LLM "give me the stochastic mean of this vector through a set of points" you are using the LLM as it was intended to be used - it will give you the mediocrity every time and, because it's basically a hyperadvanced Magic 8 Ball every now and then it will be brilliant.

Absolutely agree. The LLM is navigating topological features inside a parameter space. With boundaries, and curvature, yeah. It's what I'm doing for the magnetosphere, actually. Same kind of idea. Except with I dunno maybe a billion axes instead of the four I use. But yeah, sometimes if you move just a little bit in the parameter space from where you started last time, or you start off in a slightly different direction, the topology might map to some drastically different places. Occasionally they will conjoin into beauty. AISI; artificial idiot savant intelligence.

Hadn't heard any AI tunes yet, and figured there was good reason for it. I don't go looking for them, and a really good one would have found its way to me by now if it existed.

    ...people who don't need AI...

We don't, agreed. I only want it for selfish reasons. And I only want it if I can feel assured it isn't going to cripple society. So I don't want it. Nvm.

Feels like we're all getting a better handle on the level of complexity to expect though. It'll change. Hopefully not too fast, this has apparently been jarring enough for the world already, but AGI in two years? I just don't think so, and I'm 100% sure that ASI isn't only three years out.