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    Christopher Mellon, who spent nearly twenty years in the U.S. Intelligence Community [...] However, it is a delicate matter getting this potentially explosive information into the right hands for validation. This is made harder by the fact that, rightly or wrongly, a number of potential sources do not trust the leadership of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office established by Congress.

So the spook-of-20 years can't validate the claims he and someone else have seen in some secret government document(s)?

    Jonathan Grey is a generational officer of the United States Intelligence Community with a Top-Secret Clearance [...] The non-human intelligence phenomenon is real. We are not alone [...] Retrievals of this kind are not limited to the United States. This is a global phenomenon, and yet a global solution continues to elude us.

So another spook this time with "top secret clearance" claims (with no proof or evidence) that alien craft are spread globally, although no other country has mentioned these before nor claimed to have "partial and up to full alien craft" in their possession.

    Grusch has served as an Intelligence Officer for over fourteen years [...] he has numerous awards and decorations for his participation in covert and clandestine operations to advance American security.

But obviously not disinformation because ... err...

It's not like anyone would lie to Congress and get away with it?

Or a government agency would spread misinformation and conspiracy theories to expand their budget and cover-up their own advanced tech research that may have accidentally been detected.

Probably juuuuust co-incidence this is brought up after Chinese spy balloons (that the USAF already knew about and were tracking but didn't bother to acknowledge until they were spotted from the ground by civilians) were shot down.