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am_Unition  ·  712 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: To Save Money, Maybe You Should Skip Breakfast

Thanks for the wrecking ball to the paywall.

I'm quite familiar with all of the supposed explanations, but this entire situation is, on its face, absurd. Yes, some wages have gone up, but not on pace with inflation, and the people these price hikes hurt the most are working for an offensively stagnant minimum wage.

I know that our collective food supplies are sensitive to disruption in service of low prices, to large degree, but when we have problems like these, there is never any accountability at the CEO or shareholder level. All cost increases are passed on and profit margins are preserved. And the increasing monopolization of grocers and suppliers is NOT helping.

So fuck yeah, take away breakfast! Whatever we need to make people angry enough to riot like the French when faced with a 2-year retirement age increase. It's going to come to that or worse, at this rate, within about a decade or less, I'll wager.