Ethereum solved this problem the minute Metamask built their first browser extension. Not mentioned in the article, or any of the linked articles, or any of the linked articles' friends, is the essential business need to silo the shit out of everything and keep it locked away so that you can only use it within their ecosystem. That was the whole push behind "sign in with Facebook" and, therefore, 'sign in with Google" - keep you locked away from the open web and inside a containerized, monetized channel where everything is safe and everything is beautiful. It's Apple's walled garden but stupid. This is why i use 1password and why I pay for everyone in the office to do the same - it's 128-bit encrypted with the secret key entirely in your possession. Take away the passwords and leave the extension and you're pretty much what you can do with blockchain. No. Fuck off. Eat shit and die. The amount of leaky biometric bullshit we're already dealing with is horrific - Android Marketplace in particular gives no fux if an app that doesn't need it totally grabs the fingerprint sensor. The whole problem is I should need one password but every website and every app disagrees as to how I should give it to them. Blockchain fixes this and has done since browser wallets.From today, Bitwarden has launched a new beta service called by Bitwarden, which allows any third-party developer to embed biometric sign-in technology such as Touch ID, Face ID and Windows Hello into their apps.