That’s very kind of you. Hold that cash, strange days ahead and you’ll want to have it on hand. We will be raising from VC/angels. $100k minimums. I’ve learned to not have friends and family participate. It’s a recipe for hurt feelings. That said, we were asked to be on “start engine.” I took a call with them and they said they could raise the entire round from their network. Average check size $2k. The platform takes some cash and a small %. I was interested as it seemed a good way to be introduced to both capital and potential customers. It wasn’t until my second call that they said I had to bring the first quarter of the investment from my own clients/investors. Started sounding really sleezy. Is there a crowdfunding app that any of you use to invest in startups that isn’t sleezy but has a good reputation? I’d consider it as we have a very consumer driven product for hair.