...Are you doubting the veracity of my story? But yes, obviously, that is by far the most logical explanation. Is Jared living in SaudiLand yet? Seen here, in grey - Places to spend $2 billion: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/United_States_extradition_treaties_countries.PNG My pick for runner up is a NoKo nuclear defense assessment. Trump just wanted the NoKo assessment docs to browse through alongside his Love Letters to Kim Jong Un. To set the mood. Who actually knows (yet at least), these people are fucking insane. OH did you see that recent interview where Kushner is like "I've been trying to exercise more, because I think technology will make me live forever". Typical technocrat dumbass shit. I wonder if Trump was complicit. Maybe someone mixed the original top secret docs in with Trump's personal effects as a frame job. Either way, all of the freelance national security people tweeting like nuts the last few days think that this leak to the WaPo last night probably came from Trump's defense and/or allies. But it also puts additional pressure on that batshit crazy district 11 judge, Cannon. Not that she'll flinch. If it turns out that the Jewish son-in-law Trumpists would point to and say "No, no, see, Trump can't be anti-semitic!" sold out Israeli state secrets... I mean, of course. Of course that's probably what happened. And if you're right? This would be one of the biggest geopolitical scandals in modern American history, no?