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am_Unition · 909 days ago · link · · parent · post: Californians asked to cut power use as extreme heat approaches
Fair 'nough, on your end. Self-interested, market-guiding Keynesian handjob. Shapiro's take still ignores the fact that the cycle-of-poverty contingent are almost 100% renters, and can't simply flip a property they don't own to offset thousands of dollars in costs to move their family of 5 or 6 or 7 at will. Or that nobody wants to buy an underwater property. And the problem skews heavily non-white, because wealth skews white, because the U.S. more or less bailed on reconstruction and reparations. Not sure how this idea is still controversial for a huge subset of the U.S., apart from intentional propaganda to the contrary. (oH iT's SiMpLy CuLtuRaL bAnKruPTcy uNrElAtEd tO the EChoEs of SlAvErY) Thanks, Ben Shapiro!