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am_Unition  ·  633 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Californians asked to cut power use as extreme heat approaches


    I think it’s worth doing a cost-benefit analysis, as we should do for any big decision. As long as we are not allowed to count benefits of climate change, it won’t be an accurate accounting.

Uh-oh. OK, OK, I have extrapolated from your uncertainty, and put some words in your mouth. And now, b_b will never love me. At least you were already never going to love me, no loss there.

My obvious bias results from a belief that it is strange to ponder if there are significant economic benefits from climate change when compared to the costs. It boils down to sheer disruption. Disruption is costly. If the optimal latitude to grow crops of a certain type shifts by several degrees, one way or the other, that is disruptive. Shifting hundreds of millions to billions of people poleward within a generation or three is also quite disruptive. Wet bulb concerns, for starters.

On top of the steady warming trend is the increased occurrence of climate change-related natural disasters stemming from increasingly wild atmospheric oscillations, producing increasingly ahistoric local weather events; in pressure, temperature, large-scale polar vortices fluctuations, El Niño, La Niña, precipitation, etc.

Insurance companies have market-driven forces driving up insurance rates almost everywhere due to... liberal climate scaremongering?

You have a hard case to make for climate change benefits.

Not including more than one hyperlink; I think you'd dispute most sources.

I also love how Ben Shapiro's like "sea level rise? just sell your house, dumbass!". So many hilarious fallacies in that take.