Can we also reduce the compensation to something like $90k/year? It shouldn't be almost 3x the median U.S. salary. Maybe that would further help attract people who see it as a public duty instead of folks looking to profit. I know it's a demanding job, though, or it should be, so I dunno. It's actually not much of a concern, in terms of costing the taxpayer. You could fund 5,500 reps at $175k/year for less than a billion a year, which is peanuts, in the grand scheme of things, considering the benefits of expanding the House. Abolish or at least reform the Senate, end the electoral college system, and institute an impartial algorithm to handle re-districting. I liked mk's idea about placing limits on the ratio of district perimeter to district area. Invite international oversight in making the U.S. objectively more democratic (not that American exceptionalism would ever allow for that). We can dream, right?