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kleinbl00  ·  901 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How Much Do Electric Vehicles Cost to ‘Fill Up’ Compared With Buying Gasoline?

I parked next to Larry David in 2008. He drove a Prius.

I think where we disagree is I am entirely aware of all the thorny issues around EVs, but have also been sheep-dipped in all the thorny issues about them since 1994. Internal combustion? I mean, I took apart my first Volkwagen at the age of 6 so all their thorny issues have lived in my head for 40 years.

"people getting around" is a public policy issue and smearing each other with our externalities has been the game since we first sat astride horses. Yeah - the EV fuckers are smug. They used to be smug hippies, now they're smug bankers. Bankers drive more adoption.

I worked on a vehicle in this museum.Would I much rather the old crowd? hells yeah. But frankly, all the people out there who hate driving should be in an autonomous electric vehicle with seats that face backward. It's better for all of us.

And if that means fucking with the externalities, I'm an externality fuck-wither.