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    And actually, after reading kleinbl00's fantastic new book review, I'm wondering if he has any insights into scenario #1 (Trump losing)

...does somebody need a hug?

The principle advantage populists enjoy is they are utterly unbound by convention, custom or standards of behavior. The principle disadvantage populists suffer is they can form no crony networks lest they cease to be populists.

Trump's fuckin' done. Repeat after me: Trump's fuckin' done.

Judd Legum clearly disagrees with me and he's a smart guy. Note, however, that he titled their piece "A citizen's guide to Trump's 2024 strategy" not "a citizen's guide to Trump's winning 2024 strategy". Let's review:

- Put loyalists in charge of election administration

- Elect loyalists as governors

- Put loyalists in congress

All of which assume that Trump loyalists have any reason to be loyal. I don't know if you've noticed but Trump burns every single person in his orbit. The quality of sycophant has decreased steadily. I mean yeah - there's Charles Grassley not burning Trump at the stake in, uhh, October 2021? When absolutely nobody GAF?

What if I told you... the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor twice? I first found out about it because it was a segment on I-shit-you-not Ripley's Believe it or not. It was not an effective attack. You can get away with that shit once. Or, you know, if you're serious about it, you sneak-attack Tokyo and then wait a few years until you can darken the skies with bombers.

Trump ain't got no bombers, man.

Errbody talking about Trump right now because he's still relevant. He's relevant as the target of an ongoing investigation, and as the lovelorn lost hope of millions of dead-ender "base". I've always loved how the Republicans talk about "the base." That's what al Qaeda means, did you know that? "the base." But look.

Trump matters right now 'cuz people still think he matters. Everyone attached to Trump? You damn betcha they're gonna get their skulls cracked and Trump ain't gonna do shit. Every move that man makes telegraphs that loyalty is a one-way street with him and he will be useful to you for exactly as long as you are useful to him. And his stock goes down every single goddamn day.

They're gonna run Paul Ryan. Dollars to donuts. They give no fux about Trump voters, because Trump voters will only vote for Trump, will back only things that Trump wants, will give money to Trump and to Trump only. Remember - the Republican establishment sure as shit didn't pick Trump. They did everything they could to pick literally anyone else and then when they ended up with him, held their noses and made the best of it. So the people who will actually back Trump now? As opposed to simply not say he sucks? Are the ones who think they will experience material gain. And that is an increasingly small, increasingly stupid group of people.

They're gonna run Paul Ryan and not give a fuck if they lose. At least they can change the conversation. 'cuz it's clear that Trump wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire, and politics is about relationships.