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goobster  ·  1120 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: They just don't get it, do they?... HBR: Who Is Driving the Great Resignation?

I've been subtly moving more of my responsibilities off onto other departments.

For example, our hardware needs professional installation. So instead of writing the Installation & Training Plan myself for each bid, I've asked the Installation Team to provide the plan and a description of their process.

And just today, I reviewed a piece of software that can strip out all the list of Requirements in these bid docs, and creates an Excel matrix. So I can hand that to the primary salesperson for the account, and say, "Answer these questions for the bid, and show which product meets each requirement."

That's 90% of the work off my shoulders.

So when I leave... maybe the company will be in a better place...? Distribute the workload across the full sales and training teams, and then they send their final docs to the InDesign guy in Marketing to do the doc layout... and then the loss of me and my skills is less of an impact on the company overall.

Makes me feel better about leaving.

Now I just need to figure out if I retire, or not. And THAT'S going to be crazy to consider...