Andrew Yang is about as libertarian as Bernie Sanders is. His books are closer to Brave New World than they are to The Fountainhead. The MAGAts hate him because of social credit, yo.
He's also a long goddamn way from clueless. I have read he references in The War on Normal People and came to the exact same conclusions he did about each and every one of them. I was a major detractor of UBI until I was forced to recognize that a guy who has come to the exact same conclusions I have about everything but UBI, whose big thing is UBI, might have a better understanding of UBI than I do.
Know where I've seen the most Yang support? Uber drivers. He's a bookish nerd who inspires bookish nerds. He tends to appeal to people who Google something when they don't understand it. He is the autodidact's candidate. That there's overlap among the tech ecosystem is a testament, not a detraction, especially since the basic Silicon Valley ethos is "keep your filthy hands off my money" and his basic ethos is "we need to take discussions of money completely off the table."
- The ONLY way to change American politics is to institute Ranked Choice voting at every single level across the country.
'k. Go ahead. How you gonna do it? The ONLY way to slow global warming in a socially and financially expedient fashion is fusion breakeven so shit in one hand, wish in the other, see which fills up first.
Andrew Yang is a wonk. He started writing books and making public appearances because it was the best way to get money and exposure for his pet projects. He ran for president because it was a better way to get money and exposure than writing another book. He didn't get a cabinet appointment out of the Biden administration so he ran for mayor of New York. Guaranteed that's because it was the most cost-effective method of keeping the discussion going. Now he isn't going to be the mayor of New York so the most expedient way to keep the discussion going is to stand up a third party.
I mean here you are, bitching about something you haven't given a second thought to, mostly because Facebook has taught you it's the appropriate knee-jerk reaction. Have you... even thought about Andrew Yang in six months? Yet here he is, makin' you maaaad 'cuz you, my friend, are the establishment.
Tell me more about the legions of reasonable republicans out there just dying to vote for lower taxes and more independence if only every single candidate out there on both sides wasn't busy eating horse paste and overthrowing the government.
Lemme show you Bernie Sanders, staunch Democrat. Parties are useful when parties are useful - and they're not when they're not. It would not surprise me in the slightest to see Yang run on the Democratic (or Republican) ticket the minute it becomes expedient to do so. Switching parties is kind of a thing. So tell me - what electoral nightmares is Yang creating in September, the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty One? 'cuz it seems to me we're what, 14 months out from any national election? Three years and change from anything presidential?
Why are your panties in a twist, exactly? Other than your tribe wants them to be?