Blergh. Goddamnit. Yes, we need to destroy the American two-party system. But a clueless rich dude - supported by other clueless rich tech dudes - is the fucking LAST thing we need sticking their Libertarian dicks into politics. All they will do is divide the Democratic vote amongst two (or more) parties... because you know that - like space - as soon as one rich white tech dude does it, all the others are going to have to do it, too... but different. Fuck everything about this. The ONLY way to change American politics is to institute Ranked Choice voting at every single level across the country. There is no other way to affect systemic change that will be lasting, impervious to Murdoch's and Zuckerberg's media manipulation, and make room for a truly representative democracy to take hold. And he has the money/clout to push the Ranked Choice message out, and get people engaged with the idea. Why not use his money for good, rather than destruction? Fuck all of this.