The thing to keep in mind about the current crop of Republicans is that they're hand-picked from a highly-refined, exclusive collection of contenders that have surveyed the landscape, watched 4 years of Trump betrayals, observed the cultural blowback, internalized the eventual betrayal over the slightest little act of independence, and then said
yeah I wanna spend a couple million bucks on that!
Objectively speaking, Lauren Boebert is extremely well-qualified to be a trade show booth babe. Marjorie Taylor-Green? A retired booth babe. Boebert defied safe food-handling orders and gave 80 people food poisoning, then defied safe operating orders and gave Colorado's 3rd district a high school dropout for a congressperson. MTG, on the other hand, appears to have spent 2002-2016 doing crossfit while her husband ran the construction company her dad gave her.
And remember - the 2020 Republican platform was literally
- RESOLVED, That the Republican Party has and will continue to enthusiastically support the President’s America-first agenda.
So the current crop of Republicans must be
1) Bored
2) Rich
3) Stupid
4) Evil
If they are not bored, rich, stupid and evil, they'd best hide their kids, hide their wife, because they'll get primaried by someone who is.
All them Project Lincoln fucks? Doing penance for normalizing Sarah Palin. This shit's been a long time comin' but it's rapidly approaching a breaking point, methinks.