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    But man... I love how this article looks/works. It was what I was hoping online media would become back when HTML was invented. Only took 30 years...

NYTimes leaned into it heavily over the past 15 years. Frankly I think as soon as people started paying HTML5 coders rather than Flash coders the HTML5 guys started saying "you know we can make the stick figures dance with a couple extra lines" and everyone went "ZOMG WE MUST" (especially Apple - good lord, Apple, sometimes we just want to scroll)

The point-of-friction that's about to piss everyone off is all the dudes who went "tra la la I'ma work from home 4EVAR" and bought a house out in the sticks, driving up prices like mad (see: the Hamptons, Sedona, Santa Cruz, Bellingham) whose supervisors are about to tell them "nah, brah, yer here 2 days a week of your choice" thereby forcing them to either stay in a goddamn hotel two nights a week or undertake a truly grueling commute.

If I could short-sell all picturesque real estate an hour outside of tech and financial centers I would.