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thenewgreen  ·  1151 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 17, 2021

I am living like a college student. I have a microwave, a hotplate and an air-fryer. Well, I guess I didn't have an air-fryer as a college student, but my kitchen was roughly the same size as it is now. We have a major kitchen renovation underway. Also our master bathroom. It's making for an interesting home environment. We are restricted to a living room and an office. All other rooms are in disarray either directly or by proximity.

Our kids start back up at school on Monday. I am both ecstatic and a bit sad. This past year it has been nice, some times, to have them around. But, I am mostly ecstatic. They need interaction with other children and they need the guidance that comes from positive peer-pressure. It's not okay to be a dick. If you're a dick other kids won't want to play with you. This is important stuff that gets missed in home-schooling.

I'm thrilled to have space. Space to work, unencumbered by questions like, "can I have a snack? or "what are you working on?"

Forever Labs is going well. We have secured two distributors for one of our patents that we have commercialized. Check it out; I give you... the SuperShotPRP™. All early indications are that the physicians and patients will benefit mightily. We are excited.

The kids have spring break in two weeks. We are going to a warm beach. It will be fun.

Watching the crypto market closely these days. Feel like it's either about to explode or implode. We shall see.

Because of the renovations my guitars are out in the living room. I walk past them every day and it's hard to resist picking them up. Outside of family, my one true love is the guitar. I sure love playing. What a great gift music is to the musician.

Whatever your love is, I hope you get to experience it often. Onward, Hubski!