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am_Unition  ·  1153 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why Is Facebook Launching An All-Out War On Apple's Upcoming iPhone Update?

    According to The Wall Street Journal, Zuckerberg at the time said this privately to his team about Cook's jabs against Facebook: "We need to inflict pain."

There was a time when I thought "Hmm, maybe The Social Network was a bit harsh in its portrayal of The Zuck", but it's just been borne out time and time again, that no, he really is seemingly devoid of empathy and social skills.

The recent choice by the Fbook board of directors (which, since Zuck stepped down, is SURELY free of his influence) to ban the Myanmar military after their coup is also worth examining. Regardless of how one feels about that particular situation, we should all agree that no private company in a foreign country should have such a disproportionate amount of political influence somewhere else.