- I'm personally a bit of a doubter that life will ever be found elsewhere,
I have no background to support my thoughts other than an interest in space and science.
If humans survive long enough I expect it will happen, but I agree with your sentiment. I think the timespan will be so vast as to make it meaningless to speculate about it now. How long before we could communicate and travel to the nearest star? We should definitely still try though!
My issue with the Fermi paradox is the assumption is that 1% of "life" on a planet becomes intelligent and similarly that 1% of those develop the necessary tech. I think those figure is way, way, waaaaaaaay too high.
As an analogy - how many types of living creatures on earth have developed tech to communicate beyond earth? Is it 0.01%?
Still like I say it's just my own thoughts without any scientific research to back it up.