I wish the general trend of all research was something other than "everything is fucking bad for you, it's all your fucking fault, you are going to fucking die." Their net function in our society is they prophylactically prime assholes to preserve their precious empathy reserves for cats. A study with an n of 6 about how babies who were fed peanut butter in the womb meant that for the next six years, every other asshole I met told me the reason my kid carries an epi-pen is because she didn't get enough peanuts as a baby. When I tell them that she almost went to the emergency room when our babysitter gave her peanuts at nine months, they point out that obviously my wife didn't eat enough peanuts. When I tell them that she lived off of almonds and that my daughter is even more allergic to almonds than peanuts, they say well obviously the study only proved its point with peanuts. Then when I tell them that my daughter is the youngest patient in the AR101 protocol which allowed that very peanut allergy treatment to be available under FDA protocol, they talk about how shamefully expensive medicine is. The problem isn't the studies. The problem is that the only way to communicate science is by weaponizing it.