Why not celebrate modern stonemasons and craftsmen? What's the goal here, exactly - pretend that the fire never happened, or reaffirm the importance of Notre Dame to Paris, to France, and to the world? Sure - if you got the 3d prints, 3d print some shit. It's useful to have a machette to show you what you're doing. Can't find limestone from the original quarries? Find limestone from other French (or Italian, or whatever) quarries. I'm actually 100% fine with the idea of glulam beams holding up the ceiling; old growth oak used to be a commodity resource and is now a heritage so let's acknowledge that glulam is an aesthetically-pleasing application of two-hundred-year-old technology that allows modern Paris to join the heritage of medieval Paris. It took 100 years to build it the first time. "Rapid protoyping" is the wrong approach to take. Modern Parisians owe a debt to future Parisians to not fuck this up so take it slow and be human about it. I don't know how much unusable rubble they're sitting on, but until every museum in the world has more than they can use it's not enough. I came across this the other day. On the one hand, it looks a lot like masters'-degree interns whose time is not being utilized efficiently. On the other hand, it looks like a respect for history.