Yeah, we have it very good, in addition to winning the genetic/lifestyle lottery of being white, straight, married, middle-aged, middle-class, home-owning, DINKs. Which honestly makes it even harder to see the shit our friends are having to deal with, who don't have that sept-fecta of privilege. Our housemate is a black man. We have transgender friends. Gay married friends. Disabled friends. Foreign friends whose visa could be revoked for any little thing. Poor artists. Geriatrics with old age issues. Immunocompromised people with fragile healthcare. Musicians. Farmers. Small business owners. Etc... Every one of these demos is being brutalized by the conservative hate machine... and I am largely powerless to materially help make the environment we all live in one in which they have the same opportunities and advantages we have enjoyed. Opportunities that have led directly to our comfortable lives amidst this apocalypse. The dichotomy hurts. Every day. Running away to another country would feel good in one way... and bad in others.