Sorry for the delay, my friend! It turns out, my brain is really programmed to work on one song a month, no more and no less. I started by asking myself, if thenewgreen finished this song by himself, what would he be LEAST likely to do with it? The answer I came up with, and thus the direction I took this, was a rhyme-centered nonsense patter song. But the rich dreamy stoner vibe is so strong in this one, I didn't want to mess with that. I will hold off on mastering it in case you want to add more. Thanks again for this delightful opportunity! "So So" Jason Alexander and Duran Duran are chasing Melisandre and her random band of pandas till they hand her in, and the tongue they chat or prattle or banter in isn’t Hmong because the random band of pandas are Mandarin It’ll be so so nice It’ll be so so nice Santa Ana, can a man of temperamental candor pen a feminine dilemma with a gentleman of gentle manner, put a salmon in enamel and examine it and a sentimental panorama laminate It’ll be so so nice Little me in little Italy It’ll be so so nice It’ll be so so Noncommittally, it’ll be so so It’ll be so so nice It’ll be so so nice Had her in a kennel had her in a kennel had her had her had her in a kennel had her in a kennel had her had her… It’ll be so so It’ll be so so nice It’ll be so so nice