There is no doubt Trump will make use of the information, share it with his cronies, and let national secrets slip out of his fat face while golfing at Mar-a-lago... I mean, he can't NOT share privileged information... it's what he does. The issue is that Trump is an unwitting Putin stooge. Putin has him so surrounded by embedded ears, that Jared and Don Jr and Ivanka will absolutely share the top secret info they are privy to with their Russian friends and connections... who all work directly for Putin's machine. So the next President goes back to George Bush's in-person-only PDBs? No documentary evidence to be shared? They stonewall Trump when he asks for the PDB, because nowhere is it enshrined that his request to see it be granted? It is a REQUEST. Not a requirement. It's troubling that Trump's cronies have a direct pipeline to Top Secret security clearance information for the remainder of Trump's pathetic life, even after he leaves office. The swamp is inside now, and we can't get rid of them.