This is exactly the reason Yang endorsed social credit, which was treated by the right exactly as you'd expect, so he called it "modern time banking." He's got an example in his book of an out-of-work trucker in a trailer park in Kansas who doesn't see his son enough and doesn't get along with his ex-wife and spends most of his days watching television until his phone notifies him that there's a widow six blocks away who needs her propane tank changed for 125 DSCs so he wanders over at 1pm and helps out a nice old lady and ends up wandering around the trailer park doing in-person mechanical turk stuff so that he can get some savings on a tent at Cabela's and borrow someone's dog for the weekend 'cuz his son likes dogs. Type "American Social Credit" into the googles and you can see exactly how deeply China's system has poisoned the phrase; Yang, however, makes the point that people will jump through inordinate hoops to be the mayor of an IHOP on foursquare or qualify as a Google Local Guide or get some meaningless Yelp streak and it's exceptionally fucking stupid for predatory corporations to jump on gamification and the government to act like it's above it. Yang even points out a handful of municipalities in the US that are doing it but good f'n luck finding that stuff now. I'm just praying that introducing a basic income doesn't lead to a lot of disenfranchised young people playing video games.