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Quatrarius  ·  1670 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Adam Rapoport's 'Bon Appetit' was a terrible magazine  ·  

who gives a shit about edam applesauce or any magazine or newspaper in the year 2020

there are about two things in the world that don't suck and eggs is one of them, ok, eggs sustain me

i will eat an egg whoever or however puts it in front of me

when i make eggs for myself i will only ever do it one way

i fry them in butter until the white is mostly set and the yolk is runny, then i salt and pepper them

this is the only way i cook eggs when eggs aren't just a single component in something

i know exactly how long it takes and how hot the nburner should be and how.much butter because i only do it one way

who needs a recipe for an omelet eggs are like the cheapest food ever and even when they get all fucked up they're still at least edible

people who write recipes or guides for eggs are stupid motherfuckers almost universally

just cook the egg until it's the way you want it to be

i will punch anybody! don't fight me! I'll cry!