Thanks for the shout-out, and a course like that sounds like an excellent idea. I certainly don't hold myself out as a model, though :)
I have played Outer Wilds and loved the start. I have every intention of starting anew here soon, since God knows I have the time. Plus it's been long enough for the beginning to feel fresh.
I stopped playing it partially due to simple ADHD, but also because computer RPGs often feel really restrictive to me. You can only truly roleplay but so much, since of course they can't think of everything. It's the same reason I got bored with MMOs as a genre: the actual ability to play a role is extremely limited. Contrariwise, this is probably why I can stick with third-person RPGs a bit more (e.g. Final Fantasy), because I'm watching someone else's story rather than having the game put "me" in there but in a very limited role. The Outer Wilds' writing is good enough to make up for this quite a bit, but it still can't do everything. So admittedly I may have to lower my expectations a bit.