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lil · 4470 days ago · link · · parent · post: Man behind 'Jailbait' posts exposed, loses job - CNN Interview with Violentacrez
Note: Anderson asked him something like, "Was this a turn-on for you?" -- He said the biggest turn-on was seeing all the "likes" people clicked. Here's what I think: he became addicted to thinking he was liked. It wasn't him who was liked, of course. It was the porny images that porn-liking people liked. But humans need connection and we do a lot of crazy things to feel connected - so it provided him with just enough of an illusion to keep at it. Being "liked" for doing good, community-building, pro-social, helpful things seemed beyond his imagination and a little more work than getting his fat ass up from behind the computer. Speaking of which, I'd better get off the computer.