It's a bit of a jump to take what I said and end up at 'doing what you love is mostly shit'. Though 'often' was an overstatement on my part. The overarching point I was trying to make is that just because something is your passion, it doesn't mean that it's not going to be hard work. Sure, sometimes the hard work seems like nothing and 11-hour sessions fly by. But other times everything seems unnecessarily hard and it's a bit of a slog. People can underestimate that. Also, good times can be quickly followed by bad ones. Every creator I know has stories of spending many enjoyable hours on a project one day, only to review their work the next and realise it's shite. That's not a fun experience. The process is ultimately fun and gratifying, but it's not always so in the present moment. That's the case for me and others I know. If it's not for you then more power to you.