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elizabeth  ·  1487 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: My situational memory; pros and cons

This is super interesting! I don't know anyone who operates this way, no. Or maybe not to the extend that you do so it's not very noticeable.

Personally, I find my brain mostly useless for recall. Prices of things, what day it is, my exact to-do list from that meeting 10 minutes ago, the details of that important story you told me. I have friends remind me of absolutely insane stories from my life, I have no recollection of. I have on occasion forgotten to take the keys with me, to an apartment I was showing. I've mixed up days and missed a training shift at Burning Man 2 years ago. As a kid, I would forget my house keys pretty much twice a week and figured out all kinds of funky ways to get into my house through the various windows. My boyfriend jokes i purposefully always forget my wallet to get him to pay for stuff.

So I've mostly given up on "trying harder" and found systems to circumvent those problems. I would be completely lost without my calendar and notes app on my phone. Got a code lock for my front door. My watch tells me what day it is. I started the travel vlogs, mostly to be able to jog my memory about the travels I went on. I tend to understand how things work very quickly, but I also don't remember 99% of what I've learned at school over the years.

It's crazy to me how everyone's brains work so differently. For example, people with no sense of direction or no feeling for the passage of time baffle me.