Allow me to introduce you to the M561 Gama Goat. They were... not great. Read just some of these comments. At some point, the Army realized how hard the Goat sucked. As a consequence, they completed the contract and shipped them off for scrap without so much as wiping off the cosmoline. If I recall, the last 8,000 or so (of 15,600 contracted) were never driven - they went from raw materiel to parts to vehicles to raw materiel without so much as being assigned to a unit. There will come a time when Boeing lobbies to write down every MAX they own (which is all of them) in order to save the company. Boeing will be permitted to do this. People will gripe but it will be a national emergency - if Boeing is not allowed to do this, commercial air travel will be a European monopoly for all intents and purposes. And such, an entire generation of aircraft will be chewed up for scrap, and the taxpayer will foot the bill.