Another counterpoint, but with more anger because fuck you for speaking evil on those you don't understand. Let's take a step back here and examine on how one becomes a recruiter. It's important. At some point midway through their career, almost all military NCO's must take up a "broadening assignment". At least in the Army, that entails either spending 2-3 years as a drill sergeant or a recruiter. Drill Sergeant positions are universally known as being absolutely miserable. Recruiters, on the other hand, often get to go back home! After years of spending time in the numerous shitholes the US military occupies, who wouldn't take up the opportunity to return home? By this point in your career, you've usually re-enlisted at least twice. You have an established career in the military, you're going for the full 20 years. You've probably just spent the past 6 or so years being shit on by higher-ups. After this assignments you'll be one of those higher ups, with an incredibly increased amount of responsibility. So you look forward to relaxing back home for several years, right? Fat goddamn chance. You see, the Army is just not making their numbers. In fact, they aren't anywhere close. And you know who's fault it is? It's the recruiters, for just not being able to reach these kids, get it? You don't make the quota of one recruit a month? Well then you're a piece of shit NCO and your performance record will reflect. And are you aiming for a promotion in a couple years? Better get a good report or you're shit out of luck. But you know what, sometimes it's ok. Because up till now, the military has treated you pretty well. You get a solid paycheck, health insurance, life insurance, dental, and education. You're better off for the army, so it makes you happy to help someone reach your status. So then, kingsmudy, what do you think these people's motivations are? Are they silver tongued adults tempting our youth to their deaths? Or are they just regular goddamn people trying to live good lives? I respect the recruiters I know a hell of a lot more than many of my highschool friends who went off to work at facebook and google. At least they believe they're helping people, the FB and google people tend to solely be in it for the money. And you know man, look at the numbers. KB already stated the death statistics. To add, well over half Americans killed in combat this year were Special Operation Forces. The majority of those were Green Berets. Those dieing in combat are looking for war. They are, as KB says, "adventurers". So for the majority of people the military is one goddamn good job. Remember-health care is free, you can get a bachelors and/or masters for free, you have disposable income, and you can travel the world. It's a fantastic opportunity for the majority of Americans. You delude yourself if you think that the military is only made of up of lost 17 year olds. In todays economy it's absolutely a way to make more of yourself.