...yes and no. If city-mouse you is out visiting country-mouse cousin and y'all decide to check out Bandelier National Monument, you might not know that a squirrel coming up to you isn't habituated to treats, it's sick and out of its mind with bubonic plague. That racoon that comes up to you cooing? Maybe it's because the neighbor feeds it leftover hamburgers after his barbecues. Maybe it's because it's got rabies. Hantavirus killed a couple dozen people in 1993 not because they didn't have the sense to stay away from wildlife, but because they were getting firewood off the woodpile. It took a while for the doctors to keep my sister from being one because in their minds, "didn't go near a woodpile" meant "couldn't possibly be hantavirus." You don't need to pick up the plague rat to get plague. You don't even need to get bitten by one. Kid in my town died in sixth grade because he was trying to find where they lived. If you're willing to pretend that every critter you see on your walk has Ebola you're probably safe. But if you're just living your life you're going to deal with a risk of exposure every time you're around critters in a compromised area.