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nowaypablo  ·  1612 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: December 4, 2019

Wow what a throwback. I resent that anything I say on Hubski is held to any regard, but I appreciate it. I'm 6 months away from snatching my diploma and commission and getting out of here.

How did the follow-up mock symposium go? I wonder if you improved on the feedback or overthink and oversell like I do.

    I hope to learn something beyond hitting the floor safely.

Aikido is such a cool martial art especially for its philosophy. Much respect. Luckily you have a mat so the harder you hit the ground, the more bounce you get on your way back up.

edit: hijacking your conversation with applewood, you should seriously hop in for an hour or two at that Sambo spot. And report back.