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am_Unition  ·  1623 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Rep. Adam Schiff’s full closing statement in Hill and Holmes hearing

It's one thing for Nunes to investigate the Russia probe's origins, but it just came out, after your comment, Parnas is willing to testify that Nunes was involved in efforts to investigate the Bidens in Ukraine. My jaw has been on the floor.

You're done, Devin! How fucking nuts do you have to be to go conduct completely unaccountable foreign policy on secret missions involving investigations of the Bidens, private U.S. citizens, circumventing the proper diplomatic and legal channels? Welp, not as fucking nuts as you'd have to be to then think you could properly serve as the second-ranking member on the congressional committee conducting the impeachment hearings into improper secret missions involving foreign investigations of the Bidens!

This is crazier than even what I thought possible. I'm seriously floored right now, reeling.

Watch Nunes's face when Swalwell reads the DailyBeast article, which had yet to include the information that it was an investigation into the Bidens that Nunes was chasing:

edit: mk, found a funny bugski. I can embed this twitter link, but then if I go to edit the text, the page loads, and the paragraph order of all text in the comment has been inverted. i.e. for this post, if I were to simply press "edit", and then "update", without having edited anything, the embedded tweet would be at the top, and my opening statement at the bottom, with all the other paragraphs inverted as well. But listen, nothing involving twitter embeds should ever be considered urgent to any dev. :)