youarenotthebossofme I think the calculus has shifted. The Democrats now benefit by dragging this out to overshadow the elections while the Republicans have to figure out how to exit without clouding their strategy. The Democrats need to make this about the Republicans being bad for the country, while the Republicans need to get Trump out as quickly as they can but they can't. There may be a future in which the Republicans are pushing for a quick impeachment but the Democrats are dragging their feet to "gather more evidence". Really, the decision is "do we get rid of him now so we don't lose more stuff like, oh, you know, KURDISTAN or do we grind this thing into the ground?" And I don't think there's anybody who can make that decision. I don't think anybody knows what happens next. I think we've gotten to the point where the goal isn't so much getting rid of Trump as figuring out how to paint the other guy with Trump.A simple yes or no, please.