Gf and I celebrated one year as officially together yesterday. We went to a great restaurant that I knew she'd like. Did a lot of talking; we were one of the first to be seated, and one of the last to go home. Hard to believe it's been a year already - in what seems like a short time we've built something great together. I've been messing with Linux today. It was bound to happen some day - getting packages to work on Windows can be a total bitch if you aren't a command line wizard. This week the two package managers I had were not sufficient to get an OpenStreetMaps data extraction tool to run, even with help from two devs, so I said fukkit and installed WLS and Ubuntu. Now I just need to figure out how to get data from here to there and back. At work I've been setting the gears in motion to do more product development. It's a two steps forward, one step back kind of thing, but we're getting somewhere. A colleague also dryly noted that 3 million in revenue per year is entirely dependant on me as a product owner...while to me it's not even top 3 in priorities. Think I should probably ask for a raise next review cycle. I forgot to mention last week that I started my electronic music making minicourse. Made some shitty tunes, but I am very much enjoying fiddling around with sounds for hours on end so I think this new hobby might be a keeper. DM'ed for a few colleagues this Monday. It went amazing. The two new players had much more extensive fantasy, fiction and RPG histories then I realized and learned the ropes in no time. We're now thinking of making it a monthly campaign thing.