Most software melts into a puddle if you use 10% of the capabilities. Theoretically, Logic Pro can be used to mix surround audio for film. Practically, you have to do it in 7 minute chunks, it's got quarter-frame accuracy, and it handles its automation on 16 channels of MIDI and 128 levels of control so really, you can automate about five parameters a time across your entire timeline before the thing dumps. I've broken Excel before. I've broken Word. I've broken Pro Tools. Many features are little-known because they were added as afterthoughts, are poorly documented and break the shit out of things when you use them. But yeah, the Excel flight simulator was hilarious.Most people only use 5% of the capabilities of any piece of software. I am surprised every day at the utterly simple and basic functions in generic software - MS Outlook, Word, Excel, Chrome, Slack, email - that people have NO CLUE about.