I think it’s important to keep in mind that 2019 is fundamentally different than 2007. Back then we were still mostly a nation of with ridged laws so there was an expectation of how things would go down based on the structures in place. By 2009 that was no longer the case, everyone knew that the rules would change as soon as we had an abnormal situation, that the fed was not bound by the limits of its charter and that even things like recovery priority in bankruptcy would not be maintained. Now after 8 Obama years and 3 trump years the rule of law has been degraded even more so you can bet that even the basic limits of power no longer apply in a crisis situation. You can be assured that during the next crisis the fed and the president will be making up the rules as they go along, picking winners and losers as they see fit. The market is likely to move based on the expectations of fed and presidential actions and not so much on fundamentals.