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kleinbl00  ·  2088 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How Zoning Laws Are Holding Back America's Cities

The video puts forth the libertarian distortion of city planning as if it were gospel truth, unassailed by inconvenient truths, facts that don't fit the narrative or the actual reasons anything is done. That is the Koch brothers in a nutshell. You argue that they had "almost nothing to do" with the video when it was paid for by them to put forth their agenda. This is like arguing we shouldn't discuss Ready Player One as a Spielberg production because, after all, it's not like he wrote it. He just directed it.

You know why you do single-family as opposed to multi-family? Because you need build less infrastructure for it. Take a 2000-acre parcel. Zone it RR5A - that means rural, 5 acres. You now need a roads that will serve 400 households. They're dirt. You need a power feeder that will feed 400 households. It's a few lines. You need a sewer that will feed 400 households. It's septic - not even your problem. Water? It's at the main road and if they want it they can stub into it on their own dime. Let's zone it RS7200 - that's a house every 7200 square feet. There's now twelve thousand houses. It's a town now, with a power substation, a post office, a grocery store, a wastewater treatment plant, a police station, the whole nine yards. Hey, fukkit - let's let them go eight stories up. Now it's got its own Wikipedia page, it's gonna need a subway spur, and 50,000 people live there.

Now. Let's take my 5 acre plot, which I bought backintheday. I'm going to pretend it's an RS7200 and put thirty houses on it. And those 30 people are going to shit into your water table, pull their water off of your meager waterworks, pull down 30x the power the grid was designed for, and generate 30x the traffic. And I'm gonna get fuckin' rich on it and my neighbors can suck it because I'm faster than them and all the stuff that comes in? That's not my problem. I pay my fuckin' taxes.

But it's everyone else's problem.

It's the opposite of a well-researched video. It's full of lies. It argues that zoning exists to create single-family homes, when in fact zoning exists to properly allocate public works. We have industrial zones because they have greater power requirements, heavier transport requirements, and generate more environmental pollution. We have commercial zones because they have greater traffic requirements, heavier parking requirements and generate more revenue. We have residential zones because they have greater privacy requirements, heavier environmental requirements and are the most sensitive to disturbance and disruption. This is urban planning 101 shit but the Kochs blow through it like no one has ever had these thoughts before.

I've read Jane Jacobs. She was a screaming NIMBY wasp so it's fuckin' hilarious how all these privileged little hipster Tech Bros who insist on their right to pay too much for a subdivided condo have turned her into some sort of patron saint of libertarian thought. Her basic point was that external forces of development never give due consideration to the current residents being developed and that you should leave things as they are, not tear shit down to build bigger.

Have you read Jane Jacobs? Because this video misrepresents every idea she held dear. It makes shit up. There's a very "real criticism" of it, which by the way, is rooted in the fact that it's Koch bullshit.

And you can think that's not relevant to the discussion at hand, but your thoughts in this matter do not buttress your credibility.