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goobster  ·  2095 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How Amazon automatically tracks and fires warehouse workers for ‘productivity’

    You act like you're the only person who has ever known anyone to work at Amazon.

I do? Not sure what post you were reading. I'm just a guy who has managed teams of 20 people, has a friend who used to be in the actual job the article referred to, and currently serves an industry that suffers from a 100-120% annual employee turnover rate (long-haul trucking). I have relevant experience here, and am sharing those experiences. Not sure how I excluded anyone else from participating in the conversation...?

Anyway, the long and short of it is that some jobs suck. The reasons they suck are often because people are overworked or abused.

You can either have good working conditions and long-term employment (thanks to labor unions), or low-costs and high turnover. (Broadly speaking, of course.) The entire history of the 20th century is a real-world demonstration of that principle in process.

Should shitty employers with shitty working conditions and expectations have their feet held to the fire, and be forced to improve conditions for their employees? Absolutely.+

The Fourth Estate picking on a large employer and encouraging them to do better, is a part of the process due to the way our systems are designed.

American employers can treat people like this because we have shitty healthcare, no social safety net, and few basic worker/union protections, unlike almost every other first-world country. If people didn't HAVE to take shitty jobs just to live or get healthcare, then the employers would be forced to make the jobs less shitty. This would increase worker satisfaction and then increase worker retention.

Sure. In that world, everything gets more expensive because you are actually paying a commensurate price for the product INCLUDING all its externalities. But, people are making more because they are more valuable workers. So it should work out in the end.

The real core of problem - since Henry Ford's first production line all the way up to today - is that we let US companies avoid many of the real costs of their products.