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kleinbl00  ·  2095 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How Amazon automatically tracks and fires warehouse workers for ‘productivity’

You act like you're the only person who has ever known anyone to work at Amazon. I used to know one of the guys profiled in The Everything Store - the dude who was at the office shipping stuff for so long that he didn't notice his Volvo had been towed three months previously. He got fired by a human, not a robot; it was a gentler time. What did he get fired for? Getting older. Getting slower.

Your argument, fundamentally, is "if you don't want to be a galley slave, don't get captured." Home Depot doesn't have an entire division dedicated to short-term itinerant labor. You're right - they aren't looking for a long-term career. But what you're missing is that most people leave shitty jobs on their own because they're shitty. Amazon is purging 10-20% of their manual labor workforce per year and that's the people they get rid of, not the ones who leave of their own accord (I talked to a dispatch guy in LA who told me that Amazon delivery drivers have a turnover of about 2 weeks).

What's really appalling is that nowhere in your disquisition of the glories of Amazon do you leave any room for incentives - traditionally, the go-to motivation for blue-collar labor. I mean, how do you monitor whether someone takes sixteen minutes to take a shit? The developed world, anyway, the universe outside of sweatshops, says you don't.

You know what warehouse jobs used to be? UNIONIZED. Know who used to look for careers there? EVERYONE. "I'd like to find a hard-working job in manual labor where I have no security and could be fired at any moment by an algorithm" said no one ever.

You shouldn't have to work "VERY hard" to keep a shitty job. That you do is proof positive of how predatory the employer is, not of how shiny our future has become.