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demiurrrge · 2150 days ago · link · · parent · post: Disaffected Young Americans, Vote. Please. You have everything to lose if you don’t.
As an under-30 who votes I still don't agree with all the premises of the article. Especially the whole "lesser of two evils" line. I don't have any love for republicans and I basically consider libertarians to be "diet republicans" but I still have some major points of contention with democrats and I feel like this "just swallow your pride and vote for them anyway so the other guy doesn't get in" rhetoric is harmful towards affecting longterm change. What can a voter like me do to actually "punish" a democratic candidate for corruption or other problematic behavior when there's a slew of people willing to give said candidate carte blanche just to keep someone with an (R) beside their name from taking that office?