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Dude, it's all about race. You've been to LA; you can't side-step the race issue when the entire subject is a privateer building private tunnels for his private cars that average over $80k per! LA is a barricaded hell of racial inequality; you've driven through it. You've eaten with me there. You drive past the shambling black homeless people and the Mexican immigrants selling fruit out of coolers through a marvelous fence where the clocks all say Audemars Piguet and the magazines are Elite Traveler and you can buy bone marrow hamburgers.

My whole argument is a one-car-wide tunnel is not a traffic solution. Why would you do something "in lieu of regulation?" Regulation is what keeps the playing field level between assholes like Musk and assholes like me - a set of rules to ensure that neither one of us gets to blow up the commons because we hate the 405 in the mornings. Fuck government? Government I can vote for. Musk? Rich people throw money at Musk.

And you're goddamn right I brought up Beverly Hills. It's the place white people live who stop tunnels. Brown people don't get to stop tunnels. Brown people don't even get elevated trains; Metro through the Central LA corridor through Long Beach is surface-level which means it stops at lights. There have been times I've been on that train as the only white guy in the car.

This is about a rich white guy doing what he wants with a poor black neighborhood and it's not going to help his poor black neighbors one iota. "Getting 20% of traffic below ground?" Are you serious? Count those lanes:

And just so we're clear - you invoked supply-side economics as if it were a winning argument. Did you mean to do that?