I've been trying to leverage there daylight saving change to get up early. It's only been a couple days, and it's possible this will only last a few more days, but I actually kind of like it. I got up and swam half a mile before work Monday which gave me time to go to a spin cycling class Monday after work. I'm currently at eight workouts per week and edging toward nine. My swimming seems to be at an important beginner plateau. I need to be able to swim continuously without needing a break. I think I'm starting to get there, and it has a lot of similarities with a post I know I made on hubski. Slowing down lets me not feel so exhausted and out of breath. Kick a bit less, think about my form, think about getting all the air out of my lungs. I think my goal is 450 yards in ten minutes. I can swim 100 yards in a little over two minutes, but I can't sustain that pace.