Except that's not what you said. You said that "religious people" (without further qualification) are better at ignoring the meaning of the words they use. This is not a logically consistent or supportable statement, since you haven't shown that it applies to even half of religious people, much less most or all. All Protestants are less than half of the total number of Christians, and of course Evangelicals are not the majority of Protestants (or if they are, depending on the numbers you use, it's barely). Meanwhile, Christians represent less than half of all religious people on Earth. Using the most generous numbers, Baptists of all kinds Pentecostals Misc. Evangelicals Mormons Jehovah's Witnesses number 489.8 million. That's 53% of Protestants, but only 20% of Christians and 6% of all religious people overall.Religious people when taken as a group can be said to be better at doublethink because constituents of the group are.