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kleinbl00  ·  2057 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Random Quotes of the Week (Sep 18-25 2018)

    China, by contrast, can offset the short-term hit to its competitiveness by

    letting its currency depreciate. Arguably, the -9% fall in the renminbi’s value

    against the US dollar between April and August has already neutralized

    the effect of a 10% tariff on half of China’s exports to the US. A bit more

    depreciation can take care of a broadening of the tariff base or a hike in the

    tariff rate. In the longer run, US efforts to close off its markets and stem the

    flow of its technology will increase the incentives for Chinese firms to become

    more competitive by intensifying their own technology investments. There is

    evidence that this is already happening.

- Evergreen Gavekal