- ... their future is being robbed blind by the Boomers and wondering why you and I did nothing to stop them.
The gen X'ers in Congress are just as bad. Paul Ryan is the leader of that cadre and he makes the law-making boomers look like stewards of all that is right and holy. Devin Nunes? Rand Paul? All psychopaths. (I'm picking on GOP because they're the ones I can think of off the top of my head...Seems like every major Dem is 70+ years old--Corey Booker doesn't seem like a POS just yet. That's one I can name.)
Some millenials are starting to be elected, but my guess is that they'll shit the bed, too. Everyone does, because it's too easy to love the wealth and power that are so easy to grab once you're there. Our tax laws are a big part of the problem, but as soon as you start making that $200k Congressional salary, you're not too likely to increase your own rate, I guess.